
In any Object Oriented programming language, the access to private or protected components – both methods and attributes – would be prohibited. If someone try to access them, compiler would generate syntax error. Sometimes, it would be advantageous to give the access to these protected and private attributes to other classes. This can be achieved…

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Sometimes, we don’t have access to all the variables which we are looking for. Especially this happens when we are working with CMOD user-exits, BADI implementation, etc. So, we do it this way: Where it is used This is used frequently in the CMOD userexits, BADI implementations, where we don’t have access to all the…

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Introducing Forums..!

on November 21, 2011

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We are thrilled to introduce forums section on the site. Forums are accessible at: ABAP Forums. You can also find it in menus under Forums. You need to be member of the site in order to ask the questions and get back the solutions. Register and get all the benefits of sharing. Please let us…

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Abstract Pattern provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. Inherited subclasses of the abstract super class would know which of the objects are required. Concept Before jumping into the demo, lets see the concept. This will help us to better understand how Abstract Factory can be…

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Recently, at one of my client’s place, I have to design a screen with lot of ALVs. When I started designing, I didn’t pay much of the attention to the fact that there could be a dependency between main ALVs and other sub-ALVs. Later in the design phase, I understood that this is a great…

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The intent behind the Observer Design Pattern is to define a dependecy between objects so that when main object changes its state, all the dependent objects are notified. Its upto the dependent objects to update themselves or ignore the notification. Design time consideration In the main object, AKA Subject, create a Event. Also add create…

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