We were having some specific background colors in our output generated by the SMartforms. This background colors are coming properly in the print-out. But, when we try to send them as FAX, we are getting the BLACK background whereever we have that background color. I used Field-symbols to have an access of the table which…
As described in my post , it would be easy to implement the Excel like functionality using the OO ALV. Than I thought, let me try to implement this using the classical approch: Using the Function Module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. To implement this functionality using the FM, I actually tried more than the OO ALV. Because it…
I was wondering if it is possible to have the same functionality of the Excel: Press Enter and cursor will move to next row. As OO ABAP using the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID provides so many methods for the processing at the Cell Levels. After looking to all the methods of the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, I found there are…
This code provides logic to remove the Header generated by TOP-OF-PAGE from the Last Page. Code Snippet *&———————————————————————* *& Report ZTEST_NP_TOP_LAST * *&———————————————————————* *& Example of how to remove the header generated by TOP-OF-PAGE and * *& Move the LIST upwards in the space of the TOP-OF-PAGE * *& * *&———————————————————————* REPORT ztest_np LINE-COUNT 10(2) NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. START-OF-SELECTION. * Generating the Output DO 30 TIMES. WRITE: / sy-abcde. ENDDO. * Clearing the last TOP-OF-PAGE READ LINE 1 OF PAGE sy-pagno. CLEAR sy-lisel. MODIFY LINE 1 OF PAGE sy-pagno. * Moving list upword * Here we are moving only 2 lines, as we have only 2 * lines in our TOP-OF-PAGE DATA: l_cnt TYPE i, l_line TYPE i. CLEAR: l_cnt, l_line. l_line = 2. DO. l_cnt = l_cnt + 1. l_line = l_line + 1. READ LINE l_line OF PAGE sy-pagno. IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ELSE. MODIFY LINE l_cnt OF PAGE sy-pagno. CLEAR sy-lisel. MODIFY LINE l_line OF PAGE sy-pagno. ENDIF. ENDDO. * Top of page TOP-OF-PAGE….