Lets check out how we can add the additional fields on the ALV output and also populate the value for those added columns using Calculated fields.
Lets check more SALV IDA on how to send the selection conditions so we can restrict the data access based on user inputs.
With ABAP 740, we have a new way using Integrated Data Access to generate the ALV and this is very prominent when using SAP HANA.
CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR would be called automatically whenever the class would be accessed – either by creation of an instance or accessing any component. But seems like it is changed with ABAP 740.
ALV has nice consistency check. This tool provides a “diagnostic” view for developers if any missing information for ALV. But during upgrade, this may cause issues if handled poorly.
The great new addition to old and gold LOOP AT is a GROUP BY in ABAP 740. This is an amazing addition to LOOP AT. Lets check it out!