
ABAP Objects: Narrowing Cast

on September 13, 2008

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Important principal of the Inheritence is that an instance of the Subclass can be used in all the contexts where the Superclass can be used. This is possible because the Subclass contains all the attributes of the Superclass, because Subclass has been inhertied from the Super. When we assign the instance of the Subclass back…

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Lets check out how we can implement Overriding in ABAP Objects. This is also known as the Redefinition of the method. When do we need to use the Overriding: Overriding is useful, when we want to extend the functionality of the inherited method. For example: we have a generic class of CAR and it has…

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The requirement is to capture the changed contents – updated, deleted or inserted – after the table maintenance call using the FM VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL. The simple solution to handle this requirement is:1. Get all the data from the database table for which we will call the FM VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL.2. Call FM VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL3. Get all the data from…

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We were having some specific background colors in our output generated by the SMartforms. This background colors are coming properly in the print-out. But, when we try to send them as FAX, we are getting the BLACK background whereever we have that background color. I used Field-symbols to have an access of the table which…

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As described in my post , it would be easy to implement the Excel like functionality using the OO ALV. Than I thought, let me try to implement this using the classical approch: Using the Function Module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. To implement this functionality using the FM, I actually tried more than the OO ALV. Because it…

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I was wondering if it is possible to have the same functionality of the Excel: Press Enter and cursor will move to next row. As OO ABAP using the class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID provides so many methods for the processing at the Cell Levels. After looking to all the methods of the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, I found there are…

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