
Use of Field-symbols vs Work area

on December 15, 2009

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To use the Field-symbols against the Work Area for Internal table processing. We’ll also measure the difference between both of the techniques. Basics Internal table processing is essential part of any ABAP program. Generally, we use the explicit work area to process the internal table like appending & modifying records. We can reduce the time…

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Parallel Cursor without using READ In previous post , we have seen a technique how to speed up the performance of the nested LOOP constructs in ABAP. In today’s post, we will see another variance of the Parallel cursor technique. In this technique, we will exit out the inner LOOP when both keys are not…

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Technique to speed up the performance of the Nested LOOP – Parllel Cursor Today, we will tackle down the biggest performance related issue around the Nested Loops. Preface Traditionally in ABAP, we use the LOOP using the WHERE clause for Nested loops. This type of nested loops are very common in our day-to-day programming. But,…

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