
In the series of the SALV model table display, today we will see how to add the hotspot and after adding, how to handle that hotspot. You can find all the previous discussion at . Hotspot is useful in most of the ALV reports to drill-down from the main list. For example, in the Sales…

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Today in the SALV model tutorial series, we will see how we can change the Column properites. You can find all the previous discussion in this series can be found at . To change the propeties of the Columns first we need to get the Column object from the SALV Object. The reference of the…

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SALV Table 6 – Display Settings

on September 26, 2008

1, 38,941

In the series of the SALV Simple Model, we will see how we can set the Display Settings to the entire ALV. You can find the previous discussions in this blog series at To set the display settings, we need to use the reference of the class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS. We will ask the reference of the…

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Today we will discuss how to add the Header and Footer using the SALV model. In ALV, header (top-of-page) and footer (end-of-page) play important role in presentation of the data. Header and footer are imortant when we need to print the report and use it for later decisions. Assume the report which has only columns…

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SALV Table 4 : Setting up Layout

on September 21, 2008

6, 84,627

Today we will see how easy it is to set up the Layout for the ALV which was created using the reference of the CL_SALV_TABLE calss. All these discussions can be found under . Layouts provides greate flexibility to users for saving their own layouts which contains settings like – sum, subtotal, filter, sort etc….

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We have seen in the previous posts of this Blog series about the new SALV model to Create ALV: Sometimes we need to create our own PF Status (GUI Stauts) with more buttons which can provide the users more ways to interact with the ALV. To set our custom PF status we need to: First…

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