ABAP Objects: Overriding (Redefinition)

By | September 12, 2008 | ABAP Objects, OO Concepts | 66,533 | 3

Lets check out how we can implement Overriding in ABAP Objects. This is also known as the Redefinition of the method.

When do we need to use the Overriding:

Overriding is useful, when we want to extend the functionality of the inherited method. For example: we have a generic class of CAR and it has method DRIVE. We derived a subclass, say COROLLA, from that class. Now, we need to change the functionality in DRIVE method of the subclass COROLLA. In this situation we can “Redefine” the method DRIVE. This redefinition of the method is called Overriding.


UML diagram for the demo application:

Code Lines

In ABAP, we have extension REDEFINTION of keyword METHODS to be able to implement the Overriding functionality.

REPORT  ztest_overriding.
* Definition of CAR class
ENDCLASS.                    "LCL_CAR DEFINITION
* Implementation of CAR Class
  METHOD drive.
    WRITE'You are driving a Car'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "drive
    WRITE'Your car has BLUE color'.
* Definition of COROLLA - Inheriting from CAR class
* Implementation of COROLLA
* Here we are overriding the functionality of the drive method.
* We are adding some functionality which are specific to COROLLA class
  METHOD drive.
    CALL METHOD super->drive.
    WRITE'which is Corolla',
           / 'Do you like it?'.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "drive
* Object for COROLLA
  DATAlo_corolla TYPE REF TO lcl_corolla.
  CREATE OBJECT lo_corolla.
  CALL METHOD lo_corolla->drive.
  CALL METHOD lo_corolla->color.

Output of this Code snippet will be like:

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Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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