ABAP Objects Design Patterns – Model View Controller (MVC) Part 3

By | October 13, 2008 | ABAP Objects, OO Design Patterns | 58,607 | 12

In this post, we will see how we can implement the Views which will access the Controller and model which is encapsulated in the controller. This post is in continuation of previous post: ABAP Objects Design Patterns – Model View Controller (MVC) Part 2.

First Demo Application – ALV

For our first Application view will be ALV output. To get the data for the ALV into the application, we will use the reference of the MODEL class created in the Controller. This way our model class is entrily separated by the view.

Code Snippet for View 1: ALV of MVC design

*& Purpose - ABAP Design Patterns - Model View Controller MVC - ALV demo
*& Author  - Naimesh Patel
*& URL     - http://zevolving.com/?p=52
REPORT  ztest_mvc_alv.
* Controller
  DATA: lo_control TYPE REF TO zcl_control.
* Iniiate controller
  CREATE OBJECT lo_control.
* Get the object from Control
  CALL METHOD lo_control->get_object
      if_name = 'ZCL_MODEL'.
* Model - Business Logic
* Date Range
  DATA: r_erdat  TYPE RANGE OF vbak-erdat,
        la_erdat LIKE LINE OF r_erdat.
  la_erdat-sign = 'I'.
  la_erdat-option = 'BT'.
  la_erdat-low = sy-datum - 10.
  la_erdat-high = sy-datum.
  APPEND la_erdat TO r_erdat.
* Get data method
  CALL METHOD lo_control->o_model->get_data
      ir_erdat = r_erdat.
* View - ALV output
  DATA: lo_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
  DATA: lx_msg TYPE REF TO cx_salv_msg.
          r_salv_table = lo_alv
          t_table      = lo_control->o_model->t_vbak ).
    CATCH cx_salv_msg INTO lx_msg.
* Displaying the ALV
  lo_alv->display( ).

First Demo Application – SmartForms Output

Our Second application is fairly simple once we have implemented the first application as our core logic of getting the data is out of the report. In this application only part which differs is calling the Smartform.

Code Snippet for View 2: Smartforms of MVC design

*& Purpose - ABAP Design Patterns - Model View Controller MVC - 
*&           SmartForms Demo
*& Author  - Naimesh Patel
*& URL     - http://zevolving.com/?p=52
REPORT  ztest_mvc_view_2_ssf.
* Controller
  DATA: lo_control TYPE REF TO zcl_control.
* Iniiate controller
  CREATE OBJECT lo_control.
* Get the object from Control
  CALL METHOD lo_control->get_object
      if_name = 'ZCL_MODEL'.
* Model - Business Logic
* Date Range
  DATA: r_erdat  TYPE RANGE OF vbak-erdat,
        la_erdat LIKE LINE OF r_erdat.
  la_erdat-sign = 'I'.
  la_erdat-option = 'BT'.
  la_erdat-low = sy-datum - 10.
  la_erdat-high = sy-datum.
  APPEND la_erdat TO r_erdat.
* Get data method
  CALL METHOD lo_control->o_model->get_data
      ir_erdat = r_erdat.
* View - Smartform Output
* Smartform FM
  DATA: l_form TYPE tdsfname VALUE 'ZTEST_MVC_VIEW_2',
        l_fm   TYPE rs38l_fnam.
      formname           = l_form
      fm_name            = l_fm
      no_form            = 1
      no_function_module = 2
      OTHERS             = 3.
* calling Smartform FM
  DATA: ls_control  TYPE ssfctrlop.  " Controlling info
  DATA: ls_composer TYPE ssfcompop.  " Output info
      control_parameters = ls_control
      output_options     = ls_composer
      user_settings      = ' '
      t_vbak             = lo_control->o_model->t_vbak
      formatting_error   = 1
      internal_error     = 2
      send_error         = 3
      user_canceled      = 4
      OTHERS             = 5.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Let’s say, in future we enhanced the business logic model class and now we want to implement for the business. In this case, we just have to change the object reference created in the Controller and we are good to go. Obviously, we have to take care of the newly created methods or methods which parameters are enhanced.

Related Links:

ABAP Objects Design Patterns

  • ABAP Object Design Patterns: Singleton
  • ABAP Objects Design Patterns – Model View Controller (MVC) Part 1
  • ABAP Objects Design Patterns – Model View Controller (MVC) Part 2.
  • SDN Wiki Model View Controller design Pattern

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    Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

    I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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    Explore all of his 274 articles.

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    • Anonymous

      In the article, I don’t understand why “must” need controller?

    • Anonymous

      Wonderful article. For the first time, I got the feeling that I just might be able to tame this animal called MVC. I am a functional consultant and am not able to grip MVC from a programming angle. I request a little more explanation using the same sales order report you started with. Why can’t the view directly call the model (why can’t we directly ask for the data based on view requirements)? For what kind of business changes in the background does the controller help to reduce development efforts (how does MVC improve on just MV)? Could you explain with the same sales order report?
      Fischer Carl

    • Hello Fischer Carl,

      Glad you like the article.

      Since we have a new CONTROLLER (another layer of abstraction) we can easily maintain those application. Like: You have a report, which was created using the MVC, than you can very well build another view (BSP, Web Dynpro etc.) easily on it. And the controller will control the flow of the individual view.

      Naimesh Patel

    • Jatra

      Hello Naimesh,

      I found this article and it is great.
      I suggest you for using SAPLINK to provide the Abap code.


    • Anonymous

      Hello Naimesh,

      Thanks for the great article. I tried to compile your code in my system. However, I got this error message that Field "O_MODEL->GET_DATA" is unknown.

      May I know how you define the o_model?

    • Hello Anonymous,

      You asked: May I know how you define the o_model?You can find it in the previous article:

      Naimesh Patel

    • NimS

      Hi Naimesh,
      Great Use of MVC concept in ABAP objects as till now only use MVC in WebDynpros only.

      Nimesh S Patel.

    • Hi Naimesh,

      Now I understand about MVC concept in abap

      a little.

      May I be fan of yours?


      thank for the post.

    • Anonymous

      Hi Naimesh,
      First thanx alot for sharing this!
      Maybe you can help me a little bit, reading about MVC I see that common thing is to call first the controler and the controler determines which view and model to execute, it seems here that for ABAP it is the View that´s been called first is this rigth? and also I´ve seen a Context Binding found in MVC on Webdynpro ABAP do you know how this helps on MVC?
      Thans Again and Kind Regards!
      Gerardo J

    • Hello Gerardo J,

      I'm glad, you liked it. You asked:
      it seems here that for ABAP it is the View that´s been called first is this rigth?
      Actually, its always a controller. Like if we run a ABAP report, which gets data (Model) and generates a Output(View), the ABAP Report is the Controller. The way I have shown it here, delegates the control to the class.

      Naimesh Patel

    • Anonymous

      Thanx Alot Naimesh!

      Kind Regards,

      Gerardo J

    • Antonios

      Hi Naimesh,
      Congratulations for your simple but very interesting article of yours. I’m newbie in MVC design pattern and ABAP objects in general and this article had cleared out the main concepts of MVC pattern with ABAP Objects.
      I have a question which might be quite simple but i haven’t found any answer.
      While reading about MVC, the Model examples i found dealt with sql statement on a single table.
      When we have more complicated sql statements using joins and so, how do the Model looks like?
      Thank you in advance…..

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