Demonstrates the Alternative to FM SAVE_LIST.
Forum post Alternative for function SAVE_LIST got to me thinking for other ways to convert the ABAP List to HTML.
Simplest way is to Submit the program which writes the list and get it from the Memory. But the drawback with this approach is you need to create another program as a wrapper program which Submit, get the list, convert it and send as attachment. But if it is not feasible, you may want to use below mentioned technique.
This technique uses:
- Write the List in a New Spool: Use NEW-PAGE PRINT ON and PRINT OFF
- Convert the Spool to List Object: SUBMIT REPORT RSPOLIST with list to memory. Use the FM LIST_FROM_MEMORY to get the list into List Object
- Convert the List Object to Email format: use FM WWW_HTML_FROM_LISTOBJECT
Code snippet for alternative to SAVE_LIST:
Alternative to SAVE_LIST
DATA: lt_html TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF w3html. DATA lt_scarr TYPE TABLE OF scarr. DATA carr TYPE scarr. DATA: print_parameters TYPE pri_params, valid_flag TYPE c LENGTH 1. * print parameters CALL FUNCTION 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS' IMPORTING out_parameters = print_parameters valid = valid_flag EXCEPTIONS invalid_print_params = 2 OTHERS = 4. IF valid_flag = 'X' AND sy-subrc = 0. SELECT * FROM scarr INTO TABLE lt_scarr. * This will generate the Spool NEW-PAGE PRINT ON PARAMETERS print_parameters NO DIALOG. FORMAT COLOR = 1. ULINE AT /1(46). WRITE: / sy-vline, 'CARRID', 10 sy-vline, 'CARRNAME', 35 sy-vline, 'CURRCODE', 46 sy-vline. FORMAT COLOR = 2. DO 5 TIMES. ULINE AT /1(46). LOOP AT lt_scarr INTO carr. WRITE: / sy-vline, carr-carrid, 10 sy-vline, carr-carrname, 35 sy-vline, carr-currcode, 46 sy-vline. ENDLOOP. ENDDO. ULINE AT /1(46). NEW-LINE. NEW-PAGE PRINT OFF. DATA: lv_spool TYPE tsp01-rqident. DATA: list_tab LIKE abaplist OCCURS 10. * Get the List from the Spool lv_spool = sy-spono. SUBMIT rspolist EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY AND RETURN WITH rqident = lv_spool WITH pages = 'X'. * List from Memory CALL FUNCTION 'LIST_FROM_MEMORY' TABLES listobject = list_tab EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. * convert to HTML CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_HTML_FROM_LISTOBJECT' TABLES html = lt_html listobject = list_tab. * Email sending with HTML attachment DATA send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs. DATA document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs. DATA sender TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs. DATA recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs. DATA bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs. data text type bcsy_text. TRY. send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ). * create document from internal table with text APPEND 'Hello world!' TO text. document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document( i_type = 'RAW' i_text = text i_length = '12' i_subject = 'Test - ABAP List to HTML' ). * attachment document->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'HTM' "#EC NOTEXT i_attachment_subject = 'ListToHTML' "#EC NOTEXT i_att_content_text = lt_html ). * add document to send request send_request->set_document( document ). sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ). send_request->set_sender( i_sender = sender ). recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( '' ). send_request->add_recipient( i_recipient = recipient i_express = 'X' ). send_request->send( EXPORTING i_with_error_screen = 'X' ). COMMIT WORK. CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception. ENDTRY. ELSE. WRITE: 'Some error occured'. ENDIF. WRITE: 'done'.
Long Live List…!
Thank you Naimesh,
this is exactly what I really wanted.
I think I will put the NEW-PAGE PRINT ON in a static method ‘PREPARE_LIST’ wrapped in condition IF SY-BATCH IS NOT INITIAL. This makes determination of print prarameters obsolete – a batch job always knows its print parameters.
A second static method GET_LIST will be used to retrieve the LIST object. In online mode (SY-BATCH IS INITIAL), function SAVE_LIST is OK, in BATCH mode it will do the SUBMIT rspolist and CALL FUNCTION ‘LIST_FROM_MEMORY’.
Adding those two methods to any existing program will enable us to send the list output as mail.
Note: Of course, ‘classic’ coders may replace the methods by FUNCTION modules; I prefer the method approach just because it looks better.
listobject = ZCL_LIST=>GET_LIST( ).
looks smart, doesn’t it?
Thanks a lot!
Hello Clemens,
I’m glad that it works for you.
Yes, it definitely looks great using methods. Thanks for sharing those with us.
Naimesh Patel
Hello Naimesh,
oops, I’m not yet finished: If the user has not maintained a printer in his user settings, a background job using the above technique is canceled. The Message “Printer name ‘ ‘ not defined”(PT 001) is issued.
As soon as I find a solution, I will come back.
Kind regards
Hello Naimesh and all other readers,
I hope I found the solution:
At start of selection, I call the static method PROGRAM_LISTOBJECT_PREPARE:
[sorry don’t know how to format code here]
Zevolving ABAP Syntax Highlighter
At END-OF_SELECTION (or wherever you want to send the programs list output as nicely-formatted HTML), I get the List content using static method PROGRAM_LISTOBJECT_GET.
The grogram gets the list
lt_list = cl_tool_static=>program_listobject_get( ).
Zevolving ABAP Syntax Highlighter
The rest remains the same (see above).
Hope, now we got it.
Hello Clemens,
Thanks for sharing the code which can work in Background Processing.
Btw, I have corrected the code formatting. This is kind of yet beta release of the syntax highlighter for comments. I’ll soon add instructions on this.
Naimesh Patel