CL_HTTP_UTILITY is an utility class which provides several functions related to URL manipulations. There are many methods available in it, the one which I would like to share here is IF_HTTP_UTILITY~ESCAPE_URL and IF_HTTP_UTILITY~UNESCAPE_URL.
The method ESCAPE_URL does the URL encoding and the method UNESCAPE_URL does the URL Decoding as mentioned below:
URL Encoding & Decoding
Report YURL. DATA:v_unescaped TYPE string, v_escaped TYPE string, v_return_code TYPE i. START-OF-SELECTION. ***********Example for URL encoding v_unescaped = 'HTTP://ZEVOLVING.COM/'. v_escaped = cl_http_utility=>escape_url( unescaped = v_unescaped ). v_return_code = cl_http_utility=>get_last_error( ). IF v_return_code = 0. WRITE: 'Encoded URL-',v_escaped. SKIP 1. ENDIF. ***********Example for URL decoding CLEAR:v_unescaped. v_unescaped = cl_http_utility=>unescape_url( escaped = v_escaped ). v_return_code = cl_http_utility=>get_last_error( ). IF v_return_code = 0. WRITE: 'Decoded URL-',v_unescaped. SKIP 1. ENDIF.