Celebrating 5 years

By | September 13, 2013 | Announcement | 1,130 | 15

This September 2013, the site completed 5 years of existence – from year 2008 to 2013, from a blog to a site.

It was started with an idea where I would put my code and articles which I would be referring later on. I started it with the blogspot. Created a blog help-abap.blogspot.com. Over the time, it has moved to Zevolving.com. I would to thank to my wife Smita Patel for encouraging me to start writing about ABAP and still giving me tremendous support when I needed.

So far I have written more than 195 articles. I with that I would get more and more time to post more content which you have requested about day-to-day issues, new technologies etc. I would try and try!

THANK you very much for being part of this journey. I hope you would continue with me and together we would explore more technologies. I also hope to hear from you frequently and to get to know more about your view points.

Till than, Enjoy! See you next time.

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Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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Explore all of his 274 articles.

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  • Dear Naimesh,

    Congratulation for celebration 5 years completed site, I hope you continue more articles and more technologies.


  • Congratulations
    and jubilations
    I want the world to know
    that I am on your (web) site!

    Best wishes from Germany!


  • Tobiasz

    Congratulations and thank you for your commitment!
    Reading your articles is a great pleasure.

    Best Regards,

  • Abhishek Periwal

    Congrats Naimesh :):)
    I remember when zEvolving started 🙂

  • Ajit

    Hi Naimesh,

    Really these 5 years were enthralling experience for me. All of us were greatly benefited by your well described articles. Hope this journey to continue for a long time in future.

    My heartiest congratulation to you.

  • Leandro

    Congratulations Naimesh.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and we wait for more. =)

  • Ravi Kiran

    Hi Naimesh,

    Many Congratulations!!1

    Please keep up the good work. I have learnt so many new things from your posts.

    Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciate it.

    Ravi Kiran

  • Tommas

    Congrats, and big Thank You! I started with ABAP a year ago and this site is very helpful. I hope for at least another 5 years of ZEVOLVING 🙂

  • Hi Naimesh,

    You are doing great job. Keep up excellent work!
    Your blog Zevolving is one of the best SAP blogs. Thank you for all great information.

  • Hello All,

    Thanks for your good wishes, your encouraging words and your praise about my articles 🙂

    I hope to post more articles and hope to receive candid feedback, as usual, from y’all.

    Thanks Much.

    Naimesh Patel



    Congratulations, please continue your good work to benefit visitors like us. Thank you so much for all your posts.

  • Hardik Doshi


    Congratulations for great achievement. Hope you reach many more milestone.

    Hardik Doshi

  • Mohinder

    Dear Naimesh,

    Many more years to come. Congratulations and thanks for sharing knowledge.

    Mohinder Singh Chouhan

  • Hello Krishna, Hardik, Mohinder,

    Thanks very much for your wishes.

    Naimesh Patel

  • Rama

    Hi Naimesh,

    Thanks for your sharing such useful information in ABAP. I am proudly saying I learned advanced concepts like OO ABAP, SALV etc.. from your blog. U know your blog is book mark in my laptop.

    Keep posting the information like this . Wish you all the best .


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