
In this post, we will see how we can implement the Views which will access the Controller and model which is encapsulated in the controller. This post is in continuation of previous post: First Demo Application – ALV For our first Application view will be ALV output. To get the data for the ALV into…

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In this post, we will see how we can implement the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern in ABAP using the Objects. If you have not read the previous discussion about MVC: , than I strongly recommond to read that before moving forward. Demo Application To implement the MVC, we will create two applications – One will…

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Today we will discuss about the Design Pattern: Model-View-Controller, which is also very famous by its abbriviation MVC. By definition, MVC is to isolate the business logic from the User Interface which gives great degree of flexibility to change business logic independently to the user interface and vice versa. Basics of MVC In MVC, User…

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on October 12, 2008

9, 7,998

In this section you will find some Tricks in ALV, Classical Report, Smartforms… ALV Describes how to move the cursor to next row on Enter (like Excel) in the ALV created by class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. Describes how to move the cursor to next row on Enter (like Excel) in the ALV created by REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. Eloborates how…

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ABAP Objects

on October 11, 2008

0, 25,273

ABAP Object Concepts Eloborates the concept of the Method Overriding. Sometimes we refer this as a Redifition of the method. Describes the Narrowing cast concept of the ABAP Objects. Shows the Widening cast concept of the ABAP Objects. Some concepts of the Persistent Objects. Example to demonstrate Persistent Objects Demonstrates the call hierarchy of Constructors….

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Smartforms: Breakpoints

on October 9, 2008

8, 17,919

Debugging is necessary when we have program lines node in our Smartforms and the code in the program lines node is not working as per our expectation. Currently, we don’t have the Breakpoint button as what we have in the ABAP code Editor in the Workbench. So, what are the options to put a break…

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