
We have discussed in post to generate an ALV using new the SALV Model. It is a true object oriented way to generate an ALV. Today, we will see how to add standard PF Status (GUI Status) in this Standard ALV created using the class CL_SALV_TABLE. The object created with reference to CL_SALV_TABLE contains the…

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Classical ALV: Change Subtotal

on September 18, 2008

14, 24,266

Sometimes we need to modify the subtotals on the ALV, specially when we have to give the average of the percentages or something like that. To change the subtotal we need to follow certain steps: 1. we need to get the ALV object form the ALV function module. We can use the FM GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR to…

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SAP has introduced a new programming model to devleop Object Oriented ALV (OO ALV) using class CL_SALV family class. This class family is avaliable in the SAP Netweaver 04. Some Background: Prior to SAP Netweaver, we have so many different starting point to start the ALV. The starting point entirly depends of the flavour of…

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Today we will try to explore the design patterns in the ABAP Objects. We will start with the Singleton design pattern, which is the simplest of its family of design patterns. UPDATE:This blog post has been updated with clear example demo on 12/17/2009. So, there could be some comments which would be obsolete. What is…

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SAPConnect: Email with Formatting

on September 15, 2008

1, 12,567

Sometimes, it is necessary to send emails with the Formatting when we are sending the email using SAPConnect. Formatting is necessary to display proper information. For example, Information is formatted repesentation of the Data. If no formatting, no information. Same way, if we send the unformatted contents, than it will make wrong impression. In ABAP…

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ABAP Objects: Widening Cast

on September 14, 2008

8, 78,902

When we assign the instance of the Superclass to the Subclass, than it is called the Widening Cast, because we are moving to the “More Specific View” from the “Less specific view”. Everytime it is not possible to move the Superclass reference to the Subclass, because subclass will(or might) have always more functionality compare to…

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