Code Snippet

F4 for ALV Layout Variant

on August 21, 2014

0, 23,328

Comprehensive code snippet for value help F4 for Layout Variant of all different type of ALV (SALV Model, ALV GUI Grid, ALV using REUSE FM)

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Catch the event generated by DELETE-key on Keyboard & disable it in editable ALV generated using FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY We have seen in the previous post how to . Today, we will see how we can implement the same functionality using the classical ALV generated using the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. As discussed in the previous post,…

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Classical ALV: Change Subtotal

on September 18, 2008

14, 24,265

Sometimes we need to modify the subtotals on the ALV, specially when we have to give the average of the percentages or something like that. To change the subtotal we need to follow certain steps: 1. we need to get the ALV object form the ALV function module. We can use the FM GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR to…

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