
Recently, I was working on getting the Handling Unit (HU) details. The purpose of getting the details was to print it on a output. I faced quite a grief because of a simple stupid bug in standard SAP code. Preface Customer wanted to display the HU tree structure in the printed output on the Packing…

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Sometimes, we don’t have access to all the variables which we are looking for. Especially this happens when we are working with CMOD user-exits, BADI implementation, etc. So, we do it this way: Where it is used This is used frequently in the CMOD userexits, BADI implementations, where we don’t have access to all the…

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Use of Field-symbols vs Work area

on December 15, 2009

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To use the Field-symbols against the Work Area for Internal table processing. We’ll also measure the difference between both of the techniques. Basics Internal table processing is essential part of any ABAP program. Generally, we use the explicit work area to process the internal table like appending & modifying records. We can reduce the time…

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Describes how to show the Dynamic Internal Table Creation using class CL_ALV_TABLE_CREATE In the post and , we have seen how we can use the RTTS – Run Time Type Services to create dynamic internal table. Today we will eloborate another way of creating the dynamic internal table. We will see how we can use…

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We have seen how we can use Run Time Type Services (RTTS) to create a dynamic internal table in the post: . On the other day, after publishing the post , I was thinking how I can apply these color settings when I have a Dynamic Internal Table. As we have seen into that post,…

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Shows how to use the RTTS to create a dynamic internal table. Lets Checkout how we can create internal table at run time using RTTS. From the ABAP release 6.40, SAP has provided RTTS – Run Time Type Services to create types, internal tables at run-time. This RTTS can also be used to describe the…

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