
FM can be called with specifying the name as well as passing the name to the variable and calling FM with variable name. Let me show you something interesting when you call the FM dynamically.

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In continuation to previous post on Raising & Handling Non-class based exceptions, lets see the message addition RAISING along with the overall flow control. Checkout all post related to Exception Raising & handling: Message RAISING When we raise the exception by statement RAISE, it doesn’t provide us the default details. If we are interested in…

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Exceptions are way to communicate effectiently to the caller about something went wrong. So, the caller of the FM or method, would process them accordingly. Checkout all post related to Exception Raising & handling:

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When we generate Remote Enabled Function (RFC) or Update FM, system would generate some includes. These includes wont be displayed when see all the includes of the Function Group. So, lets see how to easily find them out. RFC Long time ago, I wrote about RFC Calls: Function Module Parameter Passing. In this post, I…

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When we design the Function Module, we can specify either Pass by Value or Pass by Reference for a parameter. It is very important to pay close attention while designing the FM where we are using the Table Types as the variables. Have you ever seen a situation where you can see the data in…

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Performance of ITAB Copy

on June 13, 2011

3, 14,362

Today, we’ll see another performance drainage – Internal Table Copy. If we don’t use the data properly, we’ll run into the situation where we’ll use lot of resoruces to perform the ITAB copy and end up reducing the performance of our application. Sometimes, we pass the ITAB from one application to diffrent FM / Method,…

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