
Recently I have discovered very interesting feature in Java. Below I will try to compare this with what ABAP can do about it. Quick jump in Overriding a method in ABAP and Java is simple. In the former we use REDEFINITION keyword in a subclass, in the latter we rewrite method with the same signature…

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We all know it is a lie, but I will try to prove there are huge similarities b/w both languages in this matter, which eventually can form opinion that overloading in ABAP is possible.   What Java says In Java overloading is very common and useful. Within one class you can have same named methods…

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While writing the last post, , I remembered that I wrote an interesting piece of code to solve the unique requirement – Static Filters on the ALV. The trick here is to save the Filter after applying it for the first time and check for the filter changes or deletion in the event handler of…

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Catch the event generated by DELETE-key on Keyboard & disable it in editable ALV generated using FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY We have seen in the previous post how to . Today, we will see how we can implement the same functionality using the classical ALV generated using the function module REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY. As discussed in the previous post,…

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Catch the event generated by DELETE-key on Keyboard & disable it in OO ALV using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID From ABAP 6.20, SAP has provided many options with the ALV Grid created using the OO ALV using class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID. In the editable ALV, we can insert a new record, delete the record, modify the record and Save those…

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Smartforms: Breakpoints

on October 9, 2008

8, 17,911

Debugging is necessary when we have program lines node in our Smartforms and the code in the program lines node is not working as per our expectation. Currently, we don’t have the Breakpoint button as what we have in the ABAP code Editor in the Workbench. So, what are the options to put a break…

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