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Many times, we would need to upload data from the Excel File. FM ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE is useful but has few limitation.
FM ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE can only load up to 9999 rows from Excel file. This simple utility class would overcome this limitation.
Utility class to Upload Excel file
* CLASS lcl_excel_uploader DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA: header_rows_count TYPE i. DATA: max_rows TYPE i. DATA: filename TYPE localfile. METHODS: constructor. METHODS: upload CHANGING ct_data TYPE ANY TABLE. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: lv_tot_components TYPE i. METHODS: do_upload IMPORTING iv_begin TYPE i iv_end TYPE i EXPORTING rv_empty TYPE flag CHANGING ct_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE. ENDCLASS. "lcl_excel_uploader DEFINITION * CLASS lcl_excel_uploader IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. max_rows = 9999. ENDMETHOD. "constructor METHOD upload. DATA: lo_struct TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr, lo_table TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr, lt_comp TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table. lo_table ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( ct_data ). lo_struct ?= lo_table->get_table_line_type( ). lt_comp = lo_struct->get_components( ). * lv_tot_components = LINES( lt_comp ). * DATA: lv_empty TYPE flag, lv_begin TYPE i, lv_end TYPE i. * lv_begin = header_rows_count + 1. lv_end = max_rows. WHILE lv_empty IS INITIAL. do_upload( EXPORTING iv_begin = lv_begin iv_end = lv_end IMPORTING rv_empty = lv_empty CHANGING ct_data = ct_data ). lv_begin = lv_end + 1. lv_end = lv_begin + max_rows. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "upload * METHOD do_upload. DATA: li_exceldata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF alsmex_tabline. DATA: ls_exceldata LIKE LINE OF li_exceldata. DATA: lv_tot_rows TYPE i. DATA: lv_packet TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <struc> TYPE ANY, <field> TYPE ANY. * Upload this packet CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' EXPORTING filename = filename i_begin_col = 1 i_begin_row = iv_begin i_end_col = lv_tot_components i_end_row = iv_end TABLES intern = li_exceldata EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 OTHERS = 3. * something wrong, exit IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. rv_empty = 'X'. EXIT. ENDIF. * No rows uploaded, exit IF li_exceldata IS INITIAL. rv_empty = 'X'. EXIT. ENDIF. * Move from Row, Col to Flat Structure LOOP AT li_exceldata INTO ls_exceldata. " Append new row AT NEW row. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_data ASSIGNING <struc>. ENDAT. " component and its value ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_exceldata-col OF STRUCTURE <struc> TO <field>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. <field> = ls_exceldata-value. ENDIF. " add the row count AT END OF row. IF <struc> IS NOT INITIAL. lv_tot_rows = lv_tot_rows + 1. ENDIF. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. * packet has more rows than uploaded rows, * no more packet left. Thus exit lv_packet = iv_end - iv_begin. IF lv_tot_rows LT lv_packet. rv_empty = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "do_upload ENDCLASS. "lcl_excel_uploader IMPLEMENTATION *
To use this utility class..
Demo to use Utility class
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data, f1 TYPE char10, f2 TYPE char12, f3 TYPE matnr, END OF ty_data. TYPES: tt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_data. DATA: t_data TYPE tt_data. * START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: lo_uploader TYPE REF TO lcl_excel_uploader. CREATE OBJECT lo_uploader. lo_uploader->max_rows = 10. lo_uploader->filename = 'C:temp123.xls'. lo_uploader->header_rows_count = 1. lo_uploader->upload( CHANGING ct_data = t_data ).
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Very nice. I haven’t needed this yet, but now that I have seen it something will come up. Always does after I read your blogs.
that nice……!!!!! how can we read data from multiple sheets of same excel file