Check for UPDATE Task

By | Last Updated on April 10, 2013 | 9,952

When you write a reusable code to DB related activities, you should consider checking if the call is made in Update Task or without as they are generally happen in ABAP Update Task. If it is with Update Task, you MUST not do COMMIT or ROLLBACK WORK as it would end in short dump. FM TH_IN_UPDATE_TASK would help to determine if it is being called in Update Task or not.

Check if called in UPDATE Task

DATA: lv_in_update TYPE i.
    in_update_task = lv_in_update.
IF lv_in_update = 1.
  "called in update task
  "no need to do COMMIT or ROLLBACK here
  "not called in Update TASK
  "COMMIT or ROLLBACK would be required

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Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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  • steve oldner

    Thanks Naimesh!

    I learned something new today.

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