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comes in handy when it is needed to check on the called program which is calling the current code block. This FM can be called in any code module – Methods, FMs, Subroutines, etc.
Read CALL STACK to check on Called Program
DATA: t_abap_stack TYPE abap_callstack, t_sys_stack TYPE sys_callst. START-OF-SELECTION. " FM To get the Call Stack information when running the program " ABAP Callstack would give you the Program names " SYS callstack would give you system programs in callstack * CALL FUNCTION 'SYSTEM_CALLSTACK' * EXPORTING * MAX_LEVEL = 0 IMPORTING callstack = t_abap_stack et_callstack = t_sys_stack. * READ TABLE t_abap_stack TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY mainprogram = 'ZTEST_NP'. "Your Program name IF sy-subrc NE 0. "Not found, go away EXIT. ELSE. "Continue the journey ENDIF.
This FM will only bring the current Call Stack. So, whenever a new LUW is introduced using NEW TASK, Background Task, Update Task, RFC, SUBMIT, CALL TRANSACTION; this FM would only bring the current Program in Call Stack. This would match exactly what you see in Debugger’s call stack.
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Pretty handy yet powerful check! Thanks a lot sharing. Well now I have a validation check on SUBMIT programs.
Like the new code snippet section! Keep up the great blog Naimesh!
Hello Varun,
This FM wont work in SUBMIT programs. Whenever system starts a New LUW (a new Task, SUBMIT, RFC), this FM wont work as there is no active call stack for that LUW.
Naimesh Patel
Very useful. Naimesh, a request for a code snippet: how to easily build up a table of unique keys?
For example you got an internal table with 100’s of lines but one column will only contain 3 unique keys.
I mostly create a local table type, loop and add, afterwords just sort and delete adjacent.