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Popup generated using the SALV Model in ABAP. This would be very handy code snippet for informative popup.
Popup using SALV
DATA: o_popup_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table. DATA: lo_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list. DATA: t_t100 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t100. * SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE t_t100 UP TO 10 ROWS. * cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = o_popup_alv CHANGING t_table = t_t100 ). * lo_functions = o_popup_alv->get_functions( ). lo_functions->set_default( 'X' ). * * ALV as Popup o_popup_alv->set_screen_popup( start_column = 80 end_column = 140 start_line = 3 end_line = 10 ). * Display o_popup_alv->display( ).
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First time I have crossed this! Until now, I used the old FM ‘REUSE_ALV_POPUP_TO_SELECT’
Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Naimesh. Very simple and very useful.
Super functionality. Thanks Naimesh.
Dear Naimesh,
Thanks a ton for this code gem!
This code snippet came in very handy for me…I am developing a transaction and have used SALV heavily and it was all thanks to your tutorials on SALV.
One suggestion from my end is to have an example of using SALV in Module Pool Program in the tutorial and using SALV in sub screens where we give the main screen no. instead of the sub screen no. while creating the Container Object(I didn’t know this, got to know from a SCN post and some debugging π )
Thanks once again for your blog!!!
Aashrith H G