Poll Wrap-up – Your choice for ABAP Editor

By | October 2, 2013 | Polls | 818 | 0

Poll results for Your choice for ABAP Editor. So many from you has given their input for the poll.

Couple Month back I started a poll with an question of Your choice for ABAP Editor in this post.


836 votes are counted for this poll – making this poll with most votes so far from all polls.

Most of you are using the New ABAP Editor with Code Completion – about 52% or 435 votes. This makes most sense as the code completion & syntax highlighting makes it easy to code. So, you can concentrate of other important design aspects. I also fall in this category.

Second group of people are using the New Front-End Editor but they are not using the code completion with about 30% or 254 votes. One of the reason I got from fellow developers is they don’t write system suggestions for code completions and it takes more time to overwrite the suggestion rather than typing the sentence by itself. Another reason I got is – code completion increases the error as it proposes the variables which might not be relevant in that context and you end up using that and running into errors.

About 12% and 100 votes even have also started using the Eclipse based ABAP Editor via ABAP Development Tools. This is the latest version of the ABAP editor so far. I would soon post an article which help you get started on using Eclipse based ABAP Editor. You can also search on SCN at ABAP in Eclipse

About 3% each are using Old Front-End Editor and Back End Line Editor. If you are in this category, I would strongly suggest you to start using one of the better options for code completions, syntax highlighting and start seeing the improvements.

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Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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