
Radiobutton Values using CASE

on September 30, 2008

7, 26,336

Today, we will how we can use the CASE .. ENDCASE statment to check the values of the Radiobutton. CASE.. ENDCASE has better performance compared to the IF.. ENDIF statement. So, here is the Code which will show how to use th CASE .. ENDCASE to access the values of the Radiobuttons. Code Snippet *&———————————————————————*…

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Shows how to use the RTTS to create a dynamic internal table. Lets Checkout how we can create internal table at run time using RTTS. From the ABAP release 6.40, SAP has provided RTTS – Run Time Type Services to create types, internal tables at run-time. This RTTS can also be used to describe the…

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In the series of the SALV model table display, today we will see how to add the hotspot and after adding, how to handle that hotspot. You can find all the previous discussion at . Hotspot is useful in most of the ALV reports to drill-down from the main list. For example, in the Sales…

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Today in the SALV model tutorial series, we will see how we can change the Column properites. You can find all the previous discussion in this series can be found at . To change the propeties of the Columns first we need to get the Column object from the SALV Object. The reference of the…

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SALV Table 6 – Display Settings

on September 26, 2008

1, 38,997

In the series of the SALV Simple Model, we will see how we can set the Display Settings to the entire ALV. You can find the previous discussions in this blog series at To set the display settings, we need to use the reference of the class CL_SALV_DISPLAY_SETTINGS. We will ask the reference of the…

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When we download the data from the SAP using FMs like GUI_DOWNLOAD or WA_DOWNLOAD (absolute); or the method of class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>GUI_DOWNLOAD and open that file in the Microsoft Excel, we loose some important information like leading zero, long numbers will come as exponents. Most of the times we don’t want this because we will use…

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