
Many times, I have received the request to disable Delete Function on Attachment list of the Generic Object Services (GOS) in SAP. Option in question This delete option on the GOS attachment list, is in the question. Authorization Object S_GOS_ATT Authorization object S_GOS_ATT was introduced in recent support pack releases. Check out the OSS Note…

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Relationships in GOS Toolbar In the series of Generic Object Services(GOS) available in the SAP, we have discussed different usage of the GOS toolbar. You can find all of these discussions at . Today, we’ll see the another concept: Relationship browser. Relationships option is available in the GOS Toolbar at GOS toolbar > Relationships. This…

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Copy GOS attachment from one object to another object Sometimes it is required to copy the attachments from one object to another object. For example, we want to attach the customer’s purchase order to Sales Order and Billing document once the billing document is generated. To copy the attachments between the objects, we can use…

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Shows how to get the contents of the NOTE attachements You can find all of these discussions at . Today, we will see how to get the contents of the NOTE attachements. Sometimes, we need to give the options for the attachement List when we design the some application with GOS toolbar. We will use…

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Shows how to get the Attachement details attached to the GOS toolbar You can find all of these discussions at . Today, we will see how to get the attachement details. We will use the static method READ_LINKS from the class CL_BINARY_RELATION. We have to pass what kind of the objects we want to get…

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Shows the code for how to add Generic Object service Toolbar in the Z program You can find all of these discussions at . Today, we will see how to get the GOS toolbar in the custom Report. GOS toolbar works on the Business Object. To be able get GOS toolbar, we need to have…

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