
When anyone asks is it possible to have bigger button in SAP? The first response would be its not possible. Let me show you how to overcome that.

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Introducing a small utility class to build HTML code within ABAP. This utility wraps the logic for build HTML Tags and string manipulation within itself for simple client access. Motivation Recently, I needed to generate an email notification using HTML. The email notification would contain the data in Table format. I don’t like to concatenate…

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SAPConnect: Email with Formatting

on September 15, 2008

1, 12,566

Sometimes, it is necessary to send emails with the Formatting when we are sending the email using SAPConnect. Formatting is necessary to display proper information. For example, Information is formatted repesentation of the Data. If no formatting, no information. Same way, if we send the unformatted contents, than it will make wrong impression. In ABAP…

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