New Poll: Preferred Option for Code Modularization

By | March 19, 2013 | Polls | 953 | 4

Code Modularization is important aspect of the coding. ABAP allows us to modular the code using Subroutines, FMs, Methods, Macros, Includes, etc.

New Poll

Recently, I came across a program without any specific code modules. That inspired me to think what would be best choice for Code modularization. So I figured it would be a ideal choice for this round of Poll. I’m pretty sure that I would receive mixture of answers.

The poll is available in the sidebar asks an question:
Your Preferred Option for Code Modularization

Your Options are:

  • Subroutines in your Program
  • Function Modules in a Separate Function Group
  • Methods in a Class
  • Macros – Local & Global
  • Includes – Just to put my code separate without any wrapper
  • I don’t care for Code Modularization

I’ll try to collect the results in couple of weeks with anything interesting on the subject.


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Naimesh Patel{274 articles}

I'm SAP ABAP Consultant for more than a decade. I like to experiment with ABAP especially OO. I have been SDN Top Contributor.
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  • steve oldner

    Poll – I use a combination of includes, forms, and methods. While I am moving my new coding to OO, much of what I do must be maintained by ABAPPERs without OO knowledge. So I use includes and forms.

    Naimesh – What kind of program did you see? SAP or custom? REPORT or PROGRAM? Inquiring readers wish to know!

  • Hello Steve,

    Nice to hear from you, again πŸ™‚

    I saw many times in a third party products. Although they are SAP approved, they are not as modular as it should be. I also noticed in few Std programs – don’t recall right now, but would tried to dig again and post here. Most of them are very old school programs.

    I agree that we need to make it easier for other to maintain but we think for them all the time, we can’t move forward πŸ™‚

    Naimesh Patel

  • J@Y

    I use function modules, if the client needs oo then use methods.

  • Hello j@y,

    It is always depend on the requirements. But if there is no restriction – I guess you would want to use FMs. Thanks for your vote.

    Naimesh Patel

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