New Poll is now available with an question – What do you feel about the term ABAPer.
New Poll
In recent years, the term ABAPer is being widely used. Now a days, even the job recruiters use the term ABAPer in the Job requirement. I feel like getting your feeling about the term – ABAPer.
The poll question is:
What do you feel about the term ABAPer?
Options are:
- Love it! – I love the term. I feel like energetic when someone calls me ABAPer
- Don’t have any issue with it – It ok if someone calls me ABAPer or not. I don’t care much
- Hate the term – I absolutely don’t like the term. I rather prefer people call me ABAP Developer or better ABAP Consultant
Cast your vote here:
What do you feel about the term ABAPer
- Love it! (54%, 866 Votes)
- Don't have any issue (26%, 418 Votes)
- Hate the term (20%, 319 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,603

Retired now, but always derisory prefix|suffix where I worked.
Below is just an expression can be done in few lines too but, …
ABAPER : Feels like some noun 😀
I voted against the term ABAPER.
I’m a software developer, may I call myself a software craftsman? And I regard myself independent from the language I use, though in my job it’s ABAP ( currently, who knows what the future will bring? ).
Voted – Hate the term
People who use term ABAP’er probably just don’t know the areas of work involved as an SAP Technical Consultant.
Do we call a functional consultant FI’er or SD’er or PP’er ?
There is lot more stuff we do as technical consultants than just do some coding in ABAP. Being a SAP Technical consultant, we need to be aware of many SAP modules, multiple areas of work involving the RICEFW…
Where are we heading — WDA’er / Portal’er ?
Using the term ABAP’er just doesn’t make sense.
I hate being called ABAPer,
The correct terminology is SAP ABAP Developer.
Just imagine if Java developers are called javer ,
.neters , phpers etc …