New Poll is now available with an question – What do you use to select one record from DB
New Poll
When there is a need to get exactly one record from DB, we have couple of choices – Use SELECT SINGLE or SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS. There have been lot of questions around when to use which. So, I think would be a good to get your take on it
The poll question is:
What do you use to select one record from DB?
Options are:
- Using Select SINGLE
- Using Select UP TO 1 ROWS
I can understand that you might be using both of them, but select the one you use most often.
Cast your vote here:
What do you use to select one record from DB?
- select SINGLE (80%, 2,265 Votes)
- select UP TO 1 ROWS (20%, 554 Votes)
Total Voters: 2,820

What to use depends on the circumstances. It is not correct to use SELECT SINGLE if you don’t have the full key. If I have the full key I always use that. But there are other cases. Sometimes I use SELECT … UP TO 1 ROWS, but I often don’t restrict the number of rows, because I want to be able to issue a warning or error message if there is more than one row when I expect exactly one.
So the answer which is missing in your alternatives is «it depends» (on the use case).
Hello Kjetil,
I agree with you – what you use is depends on the scenario. But majority of time, developers tend to use of the other, even though scenarios is different – with key or without key still using either of the method.
Issuing a warning / error if you find more than expected is, I believe would be a different context, but it would be a great idea to make sure users use the software the way they supposed to 🙂
Naimesh Patel
If you have the full key, there’s no question not to use SELECT SINGLE statement.
Now for non-full key, aside from removing that error message in the SAP code checker, the only reason I see for using SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS is when you want to retrieve a pre-processed record.
Example would be you need to retrieve the last item of a Purchase order (EKPO). The code would be something like SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS WHERE ebeln = docnum ORDER BY ebelp DESCENDING.
The result will be the same for both select statement if no pre-processing is involved but SELECT SINGLE is faster so…